Concert programs from 1995 and 1996 OSU Seasons

Beethoven Concert on October 19, 1995, in Thorley Recital Hall in the SUU Music Building

Orchestra Hall

Cleaning up the Old Cedar City Auditorium above the Iron County School District Offices on 300 West, now demolished.  This original auditorium had a very live acoustic sound and had hosted the Utah Symphony and many Music Arts and community performances. Students from the 1980s might remember it as Safety City where they drove miniature cars to learn about road safety.

OSU Musicians and community members cleaned up the old auditorium and used for performances until the Heritage Center was built. It was a condemned building, but the acoustics were wonderful. We were happy to get to the modern and much safer Heritage Center, but this older auditorium served us well from 1996 to 2002.

October Concert 1996 at Orchestra Hall

Preparing for the 1996 Messiah performance with guest conductor Kory Katseanes.

This was a busy December for OSU musicians with an additional Christmas program.


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